A Blog Template helps you write Efficiently

Stetting up a template helps build a consistent reader experience

Blog template for writing

It can be intimidating to stare at a blank page when you first sit down to write.  You know it’s time to produce your next blog post for your website because a consistent writing schedule is important.  We also talked about Five Simple Steps to writing your next post a few weeks ago.  Now that […]

Growing Your Professional Network with Social Media

You have to be active not just a passive observer

Professional networking has changed.  Although there are still many opportunities to attend local events designed for professional networking,  have you noticed the audience has changed?  The demographics of our profession are changing rapidly and with that change younger professionals are changing the networking environment.  Social media is not new but the use of social media is still […]

5 Simple Steps to write your next blog post

Even if you have no time to write

The first question you need to ask yourself is “Can I afford not to write my next post?”  Consistent writing builds trust in you with your readers.  We already talked about the importance of consistency in your writing, and we all know writing takes time.  Most accountants don’t have time to write, but building an […]

5 Simple steps to your next blog